2018 MDE Grant
We have more money than ever from the MDE state grant dedicated just to FIRST teams. $3,000,000 to be exact, which is $500,000 more than last year! How fantastic is that?
The link at the bottom will take you to a doc with important grant information. This is by no means a comprehensive list. But the amounts and timelines are there for the State grant and for the FIM and FIRST HQ grants.
FIRST LEGO League Jr is the perfect program to start your child in. We have a progression of programs that your child can participate in through high school.
I’d love to see each of our FLL Jr teams start a new FLL team in their upper elementary school. Please contact michiganfll@gmail.com with any questions about starting a FLL team.
Here is the link to the State grant info: State Grant Info
Thanks and I look forward to an amazing MISSION MOON season.