Run a Team

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FIRST LEGO League Discover programs can be based out of public or private schools or community-based such as home school groups or scouts. Any setting will work: large, small, suburban, urban, or rural. Many resources are available to get your team up and running. Become a part of our vibrant FIRST robotics community!


Companies support teams and events in all sorts of ways: providing money, volunteers, workspace, in-kind donations of materials. Sponsors gain early access to their future workforce in a variety of high demand fields. Give students a window into your company and let them see the cool things you do!



Volunteering is a great way to experience FIRST and to make a positive impact on students. There are both long and short term volunteer opportunities available such as leading or mentoring a team, filling a role at an event, or being a part of our FIRST in Michigan crew. We are always looking for passionate people!