April 27-May 21
FIRST in Michigan FTC Spring Remote Event
April 27 – May 14 Manual Submission Timeframe
May 15 – May 21 FTC Scoring Submission Timeframe & Judging
May 21 Remote Event Ends
May 22 Remote Event Results Posted
Event Coordinator: Tammy Damrath tammy@firstinmichigan.org
There are two possible submission timeframe options for this season’s spring remote event. Pick the one that works best for your team.
Teams that need to run their 6 official matches and/or judge before the FTC Scoring System window opens should follow the instructions below.
- Official Match Play:
- Teams score their 6 official matches using the remote paper scoresheets linked here: https://www.firstinspires.org/sites/default/files/uploads/resource_library/ftc/remote-scoresheet.pdf.
- A team coach should scan the team’s 6 official scoresheets and pdf them together into one file.
- Name the file: FTC<team number>_Remote. Example: FTC1234_Remote
- Email the single file to tammy@firstinmichigan.org.
- Subject line for email should be: FTC<team number> Remote Scoresheets. Example: FTC1234 Remote Scoresheets
- Judging:
- Teams will participate in a single virtual scheduled judging interview session during the FTC Scoring System submission timeframe.
- If needed, a team’s judging session can occur during the manual submission timeframe.
- As FTC Scoring will not be open yet to accept Engineering Portfolio or Control Award uploads, those documents will need to be emailed to tammy@firstinmichigan.org before the team’s scheduled judging interview. All emailed files should begin with FTC<team number> and the document’s title. Example: FTC1234EngineerigPortfolio, FTC 1234ControlAward.
Teams wishing to utilize the FTC Scoring System to score/submit their 6 official match scores can do so in the May 15-21 timeframe:
- Link to FTC Scoring System: https://ftc-scoring.firstinspires.org/. The login is the same as accessing your FIRST Account.
- Saturday before the event week: Submission window opens in the FTC Scoring System for uploading of judging material.
- Sunday: Teams registered for the week’s event will be able to begin uploading match scores/judging submissions to FTC Scoring System.
- Sunday-Saturday: Teams run/score/input 6 official matches either at their home site or at an area hub (where available). Match results are scored through/uploaded to FTC Scoring.
- Monday by 8pm: Teams have uploaded their judging materials to FTC Scoring and have sent their “Team Participation Roster” to the Event Coordinator listed above.
- Monday-Saturday: Teams participate in a single virtual scheduled judging interview session.
- Saturday by 4pm: Deadline for teams to upload their 6 official matches to FTC Scoring.
- By Sunday following the event: Results will be posted/shared with teams.
Visit the Remote Event Resources page of the FIRST in Michigan FTC website for a description and details on the general rollout of a remote event.
FIRST FTC HQ resources:
- FIRST HQ FTC Remote Event Resources: Scroll down to the Remote Event Resources section. Includes Remote Game Manuals 1 & 2, Remote playing field requirements, Scoring resources, etc.
- FTC Scoring System; log in with your FIRST Account email/password.
FiM FTC specific resources:
- FiM FTC Email to Teams (link); this information is sent via email on the Wed. before the team’s confirmed event(s).
- FiM FTC Zoom Guide for Remote Events (link); linked in the above email; reference for teams with tips on best practices.
- FiM Event Readiness: Creating/submitting your Team Roster, FIRST HQ, submitting FIM Consent/Release forms, etc.
The FiM FTC Help Desk is a great way to get assistance from an expert on a variety of topics such as inspections, scoring, refereeing, judging, programming, connectivity, etc. Create a ticket and a response will follow within 24 hours.
In addition, remote event teams can request their virtual inspection through the FiM FTC Help Desk.
FiM FTC Remote Spring Event Awards Powerpoint (link).
Team recognitions such as season game pins and earned trophies will be distributed post event. A form will be sent to the Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 to capture a method of delivery i.e. pick up point, mailing address.
Required at each event where the team is participating.
1) Please download the linked roster template. Team Participation Roster Template (link).
2) After completing the roster, save the file using the following naming convention:
<Team Number>TeamParticipationRoster. Example: 9999TeamParticipationRoster.
3) Email the roster to the Event Coordinator by 8pm Monday of your event week.
The “Team Participation Roster” collects basic team information along with the “display name” of each team interview participant. A display name is the name that appears along with your video during a video conference. Providing this roster of participants’ display names will ensure that the proper people are admitted into your team’s judging interviews without collecting personal identification information.
Student team members are asked to use the following naming convention for their display name: Team Number followed by the team member’s first name and last initial. EXAMPLE: 9999SarahL.
Coach/mentor observers are asked to use the following naming convention for their display name: Team Number followed by role and participant’s preferred name. EXAMPLE: 9999CoachPat.
A FIRST HQ and a FiM Consent/Release Form (two separate forms) are required to be submitted for every team event participant. These forms are available to be signed electronically. If electronically signed, they only need to be submitted once per season.
Visit the FiM Event Readiness site page for instructions on accessing and submitting these forms. Links to the FiM Consent/Release form are available on this site page.
IMPORTANT: It is the responsibility of team leadership to ensure that every team member participating in an event has a signed FIRST HQ and FIRST in Michigan Consent/Release Form on file for the 2021-22 season prior to participating in an official event. These forms include a photo/video release clause.
For the 2021-22 season, there is no event fee for participating in a FiM FTC remote spring event.
Download and customize this Certificate of Participation to recognize your team member’s participation in the FIRST Tech Challenge season. Format is a fillable pdf.
- How to change your listed Team Name: Team name changes are made through the team’s FIRST Team Dashboard accessible by Lead Coach/Mentor 1 or 2. Team name changes must be made by the Saturday prior to the event’s week 7-day span in order to be reflected properly for the event.