FTC Week 4 l Waitlist Status l League Play l Spring Events l Event Reminders
Thank you to our Week 3 hosts and we look forward to our Week 4 events! Event list: http://firstinmichigan. us/FTC/events/
Lots of questions on this topic – All post Thanksgiving events are at capacity with wait lists. Our growth from 433 to 608 teams this season, in addition to the cancellation of two events due to gym usage conflicts, constricted our available 2nd event spots.
When an advancing team offers to relinquish their 2nd qualifier spot, I gratefully accept and offer that spot to the next team on the waitlist for that event per the date/timestamp of their 2nd qualifier preference form. The notice to a team is often short and a response is expected within 24 hours of the offer.
Several teams have asked it they can show up at the door of our remaining events “ready to play” in case a team is a “no show”. One issue with this proposal is that teams are sometimes late in reporting to team check-in due to weather, transportation issues, a variety of reasons. Currently, FiM FTC and Event Coordinators message teams to be on site at the venue by a given time in order to keep an event on schedule. There isn’t a policy stating that a team’s event spot will be given away if they aren’t on site at the venue by a stipulated time. And, there isn’t a mechanism in place for an Event Coordinator to accept a team on the fly as FIRST in Michigan manages the event assignments and the waitlists. To do it fairly, all waitlisted teams for a given event would have to be given the green light to queue up, in waitlist order, and hope for a team to not show up. This isn’t conjuring a pretty picture in my mind. So, we will not substitute in teams at the door of an event this season.
As usual, all teams are expected to attend their confirmed events. Competing in a sanctioned FIRST in Michigan FTC event in the 2018-19 season is a requirement of all grants.
This season, FIRST in Michigan and OCCRA (Oakland County Schools) piloting the FTC league model. This was a major success and was positively received as a great way to give teams more iterative match play experience. As the league is managed at the local level (league organizer), in terms of equipment/personnel, it removes some dependency on FiM FTC so that more events can occur simultaneously. FiM FTC is at our max with 5 qualifiers per weekend in terms of trailers/equipment/FiM FTC support personnel. Plus, it’s doubtful that 5 events in week 1 and 2 would fill, as the majority of teams prefer to play in later weeks. FiM FTC event structure will likely be a hybrid of qualifiers and leagues. Too early to tell if there will be a crossover between the two.
Work will being on the league rollout post States and I will be looking for those willing to serve as area league organizers. See the linked FTC League Guide (rather dated) for general league info. Our rollout will likely be a bit different as the league model has a fair amount of latitude in terms of customization.
Please fill out this form to indicate interest in being a part of a league or league organizing role: FiM FTC League Interest Form.
We will do the mid May spring events again, as in the past. First dibs on spots will go to teams that joined too late to compete in our fall season and that still need to “check the box” on the competition requirement carried by all grants. Next will be “2nd semester” teams that repopulate with new team members and need to compete in a spring event. Remaining spots will be open to teams that competed in the fall and wish to play again. ROVER RUCKUS will be the game played in the spring events. More info on spring events after fall season is finished.
- SAFETY GLASSES are MANDATORY in the pits and competition areas at events. Teams are expected to bring enough pairs to events for all of their team members and mentors. Teams should NOT be borrowing safety glasses at events. Remind family/friends that borrowed safety glasses must be returned at the safety glass sign-out table.
- Reminder that use of cookie devices (like crockpots) at events is generally prohibited.
- Don’t forget to bring your Gracious Professionalism with you to events – and remind family/friends to do the same. Events are run and staffed by volunteers who are donating their time in support of your team. If your team encounters issues while at a particular event, please seek out the Event Coordinator and give them the opportunity to address it during the event timeframe.
Visit the FIRST in Michigan FTC website for the latest event information! Click on the EVENTS menu option for a list of the season’s competitions. Each event has a link on this site page that leads to general event information. On the right sidebar of an event specific page is a link called “EVENT DETAILS”. Click on this link for site specific information like how to remit the $100 event registration fee, access site maps, check out food options like lunch pre-orders, etc.
Teams need to be on site on Saturday in the 7:00-7:30am timeframe. Judging can begin as early as 7:30am. Check your event’s agenda found on the FIRST in Michigan FTC website page for the event. Even if your team checked-in/completed Inspections on Friday (where applicable), the team still needs to be on site at the event by the stipulated time.
If your team is running late, PLEASE call/email your Event Coordinator. The Event Information page for the event contains their contact information. Teams can also email michiganftc@gmail.com and I’ll pass the info along.
See http://firstinmichigan.us/
FTC/resources/ under “EVENT PAPERWORK” for Consent/Release form links and acceptable roster formats. These must be turned in at the door at every event where the team participates. -
Refer to the What to Expect at an Event guide for a typical event rollout and tips for a good event experience.
The FIRST FTC Competition Prep site page has many great resources on preparing for Inspections, Judging, Match Play so that teams can maximize their event experience.
- Update from FIRST FTC for teams using Motorola E4 Android phones: Teams have reported wireless disconnects occurring between their Robot Controller and Driver Station phones, when these phones are Motorola E4 phones. FIRST FTC has posted information about the issue as well as instructions on how teams can work around the issue at the following web page: https://github.com/
ftctechnh/ftc_app/wiki/ Troubleshooting#motorola-e4- phones-disconnecting- momentarily-reported-102018. This is a reminder as this info was shared directly to teams by FIRST FTC HQ. - Coaches – FIRST in Michigan eblasts only go to the Lead Coach/Mentor 1 and 2 for your team. Please share event specific information with the families of your team members.
Go Teams!