FRC Swerve Drive Build Series


Get your swerve drive up and running easily with our swerve drive build series. The step-by-step instructions from FIRST in Michigan (FIM) will walk you through the mechanical and electrical build, as well as the programming.

A big thank you to the Argosy Foundation for making this series possible.

Specially Priced FIM Swerve Bundle: CTR Electronics and WestCoast Products put together a special FIRST in Michigan Swerve Bundle with parts used in these videos for 4 swerve module setups. The FIM Swerve Bundle may be purchased on either website at a discounted rate. Teams wishing to purchase a spare set of parts for a fifth module will receive a 15% discount on the additional parts.

Table of Contents

VRS Swerve Drive 01: Intro and Module Assembly

Welcome to the Virtual Robotics Studio Swerve Drive series! We’ll guide you step-by-step through the build of a swerve drive. We start with an intro to swerve, then assemble 4 modules. Let’s dive in and start building!

Special thanks to Argosy, WestCoast Products, CTR Electronics, Team 302 and Lake Orion High.

VRS Swerve Drive 02: Mounting to the Frame

Now that the modules are built, let’s focus on building the frame and attaching the swerve modules. The addition of a belly pan and battery mount are also included.

VRS Swerve Drive 03: Wiring

In this video, we’re focusing on wiring your swerve drive. We’ll walk through connecting the motor controllers, routing everything neatly, and testing to ensure it all works seamlessly. Let’s get started!

VRS Swerve Drive 04: Programming

In this video, we’re diving into programming and testing your swerve drive. We’ll set up the code, configure the controls, and run tests to make sure everything operates smoothly.

TITLE: VRS Swerve Drive 05: Autonomous Programming (PathPlanner)

In the final video of the swerve drive series, we’ll program autonomous movement using PathPlanner. We’ll cover setting up paths, integrating them into your code, and testing the results.