Way More Than Building Robots
FIRST in Michigan is a robotics community that prepares young people for the future. We are committed to providing opportunities for all youth to engage in our programs. Join us in building the next generation of leaders and innovators by starting a team, providing sponsorship, or serving as a volunteer.
Run a Team
Teams can be based out of public or private schools or community-based such as home school groups or scouts. Any setting will work: large, small, suburban, urban, or rural. Many resources are available to get your team up and running. Become a part of our vibrant FIRST robotics community!

Companies support teams and events in all sorts of ways: providing money, volunteers, workspace, in-kind donations of materials. Sponsors gain early access to their future workforce in a variety of high demand fields. Give students a window into your company and let them see the cool things you do!

Volunteering is a great way to experience FIRST and to make a positive impact on students. There are both long and short term volunteer opportunities available such as leading or mentoring a team, filling a role at an event, or being a part of our FIRST in Michigan crew. We are always looking for passionate people!