10.15.21 – Win up to $1,500 from DTE in the Why FIRST Robotics Rocks Challenge
As part of Careers in Energy Week, DTE has put out several challenges that allow your team to win up to $1,500. But you have to hurry. The challenge ends at 12:01 AM Oct 21! You can find all the details on our facebook page https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=2037137759770845&id=145679775583329 Challenge 1- ROBOTICS ROCKS! Make a short video pitch (can use a cell phone) on Why FIRST Robotics Rocks! 30 second- 1 minute long 1st place $1,500 2nd place $1,000 3rd place $500 Form and details here https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=_tVhjkl3dk6I7m2Hma6BQ87cDz3ZAshJhENPkLJLAltUN0ZFUlNMMlE3UTk5TVU1SDRWNjVDOEkwWS4u&fbclid=IwAR3AwSrdq-zEA9yaIfvz58b49JQz7d2D3hwALPf5_JBbcpu0Sr9T-lTxksg Challenge 2- DTE COMMUNITY FIRST TEAM AWARD Mentor on your team that is a current or retired DTE employee nominates yourRead More →