FIRST EVENT PREFERENCING This Thursday at noon you can create a list of your choices for your first event right in your dashboard. Keep in mind, whatever events you put on this list are JUST FOR THE FIRST event, not the second. This list has no bearing on your second event picks. You will create a second event list on Oct 21 which might or might not be the same! GET EVENT READY TO PREFERENCE Before you can create a preference list for your first event, you will need to clear all of the outstanding tasks in your dashboard. This includes updating your YPP ifRead More →

Our District Awards Ceremony will be this coming Saturday, April 10 at 2:00 pm on Twitch. These are the awards that will be announced- Dean’s List Semi-Finalists District Level Chairman’s Award Here are the specifics: What-   District Award Ceremony When-   Saturday, April 10, 2021 Time-   2:00 pm Where- Save Saturday, May 15, 2021, too, for the State Awards at the same time and place! Keep in mind, we post all of our FRC email blasts on the website under “Resources” on the FRC page. Best Regards, Gail Alpert 248-425-4148Read More →

If you missed the deadline in March for submitting for ANY of the challenges, you can still submit for the skills challenge and keep your State MDE funds! Submissions are due by: APRIL 8 AT 3:00PM (no extensions) Please let me know if you plan to do that by filling out this simple form: If you don’t think you will make it, please call me right after filling out the form. Here is most of what you need to know: Teams will not be interviewed and will not be eligible for awards  You will be placed into the Samarium group  Every team is eligible to participateRead More →

We are thrilled to announce the second Dream Maker FREE webinar taking place on Feb 23. The topic is Building a College and Career Action Plan. Students and their parents will have the opportunity to meet with a trained advisor from the College and Career Access Center of Jackson. The webinar will walk you through options like college and trade schools. Then attendees may ask questions as they are building their own personalized plan for the future. Here are the details- What-   Building a College and Career Action Plan When-   Feb 23, 7:00-8:00 pm Who-    All parents and FIRST students Details and Registration- More →

I have been getting a lot of emails asking about where you submit, when you submit, when winners are announced etc. So I decided to make a handy, one-stop spreadsheet for you. You can find it here: Hope you find it useful! Gail Alpert 248-425-4148 gail@firstinmichigan.orgRead More →

I am excited to announce that our incredible sponsor, MAGNA, has agreed to provide a ROMI robot kit to each and every Michigan FRC team!!!! This is a FABULOUS tool to learn to program. The small robot comes complete with sensors and uses the exact same FIRST software and WPI libraries that are used to program your competition robot. The kit will have everything you need: The Romi The Raspberry Pi (3B+) Micro SD card 6 batteries You can learn more about it here. and more details here: I placed the order for the Romi yesterday and will order the Raspberry Pi, microRead More →

Hey everyone, Just wanted to share a link to our FAFSA webinar. Heidi, thank you again for stopping by, hope you enjoyed it! Thanks, Jack Nowakowski Director – Dream Maker InitiativeRead More →

Many teams inquired as to the breakdown between team support and stipends in the grant award from the MDE. Use this link to see the breakdown- Again, you can find your award here- Thanks! All the best, Gail Alpert 248 425-4148 cell gail.alpert@gmail.comRead More →

The state grant award list is out!! All Eligible Teams Got an Award All eligible teams were awarded the state grant. But, it appears that there were too many applicants to pay out the maximum award to all eligible teams. So, rather than pay some schools and not others, the MDE opted to reduce all awards, across all programs, by the same percentage to ensure every team got paid. I think this was a GREAT approach. The same method was used to ensure that all eligible non-public school teams got an award. To make the numbers work though, the MDE had to reduce the non-publicRead More →

We are excited to announce a brand-new program coming to FIRST teams throughout Michigan! Consumers Energy, Jackson Community Foundation, College and Career Access Center of Jackson, and FIRST in Michigan, are joining forces to launch new opportunities for FIRST teams through the Dream Maker Initiative. Teams will have the opportunity to create appointments for career and post-secondary planning for the students. Inaugural Event: FAFSA Webinar-Jan 26 The very first event is being offered to all teams in Michigan on January 26. It is a webinar for seniors on your team and their parents that will guide them through the FAFSA application process. Here are theRead More →