5.22.23 – Reminder of Zoom Call TODAY to learn about Student Credit for FRC participation
This is a reminder to join our Zoom meeting TODAY at 4:30pm to learn how your students can earn high school credit for what they’ve learned through FIRST!! Please pass this invite along to your parents and students, as well as your administration! The two experts on the topic will be our special speakers: Megan Schrauben Executive Director, MiSTEM Network Michigan Dept of Labor and Economic Development Rachell Bowerman Instructional Intervention Consultant for Curriculum/Intervention Michigan Dept of Education (MDE) ZOOM INFO Date: Monday (TODAY), May 22 Time: 4:30 pm Who: Coaches, students, parents, school administration: so please PASS THIS INVITE ON Link to Zoom Meeting: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/83327891046?pwd=cUJjeXROellJaS9OVndLS0ZBclRaUT09 Meeting ID: 833Read More →