8.23.2023 – MDE Grant Adjustment for Public Schools

Before I get to the MDE Grant Adjustment, I am in need of an FRC classroom curriculum right away.

Please fill out this quick form if your team does FRC in the classroom:


MDE Grant Increase  

The MDE found itself with extra funds on hand after pulling back the grant money from public school teams that didn’t ultimately meet the grant requirements. It took this money and redistributed it among all public school teams. The amounts are small but still helpful.


The increase is only for public school teams. There was not enough pulled back from non-public school teams to warrant a redistribution.

Public school teams should contact your district to make sure these additional funds make their way to your team and coach. Like the state grant funds received earlier, these dollars are meant to be solely for your team and coach. Do this quickly as many districts close their books for the year shortly.

Below is a detailed note from Ashley Arras at the MDE about the adjustment, including this link to the list of how much extra your team received:


The Michigan Department of Education has redistributed extra 99h Robotics funds to eligible teams throughout the State. You can find the new amended amounts on our techplan.org site: Competitive 99h: Robotics Competition Grant – Grants – EdTech Initiatives – TechPlan.org linked under 2022-23 99h Robotics Amended Funding by Stipend and Support Award.xlsx (techplan.org). Here you will find funds broken down by coaching stipend and support award for each district/team.

All amended funds must be allocated/disbursed before the end of the current fiscal year (FY) on September 30, 2023. Support awards can be allocated towards costs already incurred throughout the 2022-23 season. Coaching stipends must be directly awarded to the team’s coach.

REMINDER: Any support awards not spent throughout the 2022-23 FY may be rolled over to the next season (2023-24) but MUST be reported to the department no later than October 31, 2023. Funds rolled over will be deducted from next season’s final award. If you choose not to roll over leftover funding, or the team will not be competing next season, please notify the department and funds will be pulled back via the State Aid Management System.

Any funding questions regarding funding can be directed to Ashley Arras at MDE-edtech@michigan.gov.

Ashley Arras

Department Analyst

Educational Technology Unit

Office of Systems, Evaluation, and Technology (OSET)

Michigan Department of Education



Best Regards,

Gail Alpert

President, FIRST in Michigan

