I am excited to announce that our incredible sponsor, MAGNA, has agreed to provide a ROMI robot kit to each and every Michigan FRC team!!!! This is a FABULOUS tool to learn to program. The small robot comes complete with sensors and uses the exact same FIRST software and WPI libraries that are used to program your competition robot.
The kit will have everything you need:
The Romi
The Raspberry Pi (3B+)
Micro SD card
6 batteries
You can learn more about it here.
and more details here:
I placed the order for the Romi yesterday and will order the Raspberry Pi, micro SD, and batteries today. The complete kit should be ready for pick up at the end of March. I will have about 10 pick-up sites around the state where you can grab yours.
I am so excited!!! The Romi will revolutionize how teams learn to program. Teams or individual students may want to buy more. The complete package runs about $150. But how wonderful to get one complete set from Magna!
More info to follow in the next few weeks.
All the Best,
Gail Alpert