1.25.21 – State Grant Award is Out!

The state grant award list is out!!

All Eligible Teams Got an Award
All eligible teams were awarded the state grant. But, it appears that there were too many applicants to pay out the maximum award to all eligible teams. So, rather than pay some schools and not others, the MDE opted to reduce all awards, across all programs, by the same percentage to ensure every team got paid. I think this was a GREAT approach.

The same method was used to ensure that all eligible non-public school teams got an award. To make the numbers work though, the MDE had to reduce the non-public school awards more.  Again, I am really happy that all eligible non-public teams got an award.

The list of all awards can be found using the link below. There are two lists, one for public district awards, and one for non-public districts awards-

The District Award Letter
Your district should receive a letter stating the amount of their Award. Last year, some districts received a letter that said the award amount was “zero”. This was a glitch. Should this happen this year, and I don’t know if it will, simply guide your school/district to the Techplan link above to see the actual amount of your award.  Then be sure to have your district notify the MDE that their letter was wrong.

The Grant is Paid in Monthly Installments
Lastly, the award will NOT come to your district in one lump sum payment. It will come in monthly installments through August as part of the district’s monthly state aid. Proof that the money is flowing to the district can be found on Line 99(h) of the monthly statement that accompanies the State Aid payment.

The first payment will be larger, and then a consistent smaller amount will follow each month thereafter. The actual payment schedule with amounts can be found in the RFP which is also at TechPlan.org.

I hope that helps!

All the Best,
Gail Alpert