I just wanted to tell you the fantastic news! Not only do we have the state grant again but it’s available to PUBLIC and NON-PUBLIC schools this year!
The line item is $4.4 million for public districts and $300,000 for non-public districts. We are so very excited!
We don’t know yet exactly how much each team at each level will get, but we are working on that and will let you know just as soon as we have an answer. All levels will be funded including our new Pre-k program FIRST LEGO League Discover.
What is clearly known is that the Legislature was willing to invest big money to tell all schools in Michigan how important it is that FIRST teams at ALL levels continue to thrive during the pandemic.
Let’s make sure their investment is loud by bringing all of your old teams back…and even more!
Registering for the season is a bit different this year, so consult this document with screenshots for registering, finding grants, and grants already in your dashboard-
Please don’t forget to opt into the $450 NASA grant available to EVERY FRC team.
Please call me with any questions you have about what the season may look like or how to participate remotely. I have some great ideas on how to make the season fun!
Warm Regards,
Gail Alpert